12.520 Geodynamics
Problem set 1
2 (10%)Turcotte & Schubert, 2-12 (Recall that T&S use
a different sign convention for compressive stress)
The state of stress at a point on a fault is is syy
= 150 MPa, sxx
= 200 MPa, and sxy
= 0 (y is depth, and the x axis points westward).
What are the normal stress and the tangential stress on the fault plane
if the fault strikes N-S and dips 35° to the west?
There are at least three methods to solve the problem.
Some considered the equilibrium of a prism defined between the fault and
the surface, which is fine, but is equivalent of redemonstrating some relations
in class (or in question 1) for the particular porblem in this question.
This is combersome and "dangerous'. I prefer to expend on use some laws
shown in class, and illustrate their use through this problem. You should
all be able to jongle between the conventions and units. Also, note that
using the normal to the fault plane in the upward or downward direction
should not influence the result.
I. Use the definition of the traction vector for an arbitrary plane:
The 2-D stress tensor is:
The normal vector for the fault plane is:
The traction vector T for the plane with normal n
is: |
The coordinates of this vector are in the (x,y) coordinate
The projection of T on the n-direction is
the normal stress on the fault plane:
The projection of T onto fault plane is the shear
stress (tangential):
II. Rotation of the coordinate system
Since the problem is 2D, the stress tensor is:
To determine the stresses on the fault plane, we rotate the
coordinate system from (x',y') to (x,y) by an angle of 35º (positive
The rotation matrix A is:
and the new stress tensor is:
(the second expression may remind you of the Mohr circle.
Check the third solution!)
Substituting the stress values: ,
_ the normal stress on the fault plane is 1.66
kbar, and
_the shear stress (tangential) is -0.23
kbar. The magnitude is still 23 kbar. the negative sign gives the direction
of shear.
Note: in this problem the notation of T&S was used (for
compression as a positive value), and we sued kbars. That
shouldn't bother anybody, does it?
III. Mohr's circle: the original stress tensor is diagonal, meaning
that we are in the principal set of coordinates. The most compressive stress
is -sxx=-200 MPa, and
the least compressive stress is -syy=-150
MPa. Graphically, take the angle 2×35°=70° anticlockwise
from tyy, and read: sn=-166
MPa, t=-23 MPa.
A note on the sign convention: your favorite TA uses the
following "trick": I always turn the same direction (clockwise) and go
from n to n, passing by a stress direction, say that of syy
So, I turn in the geometrical space clockwise by q,
arrive in the direction of syy,
Now, I am in the stress space, and I rotate2q ,
still clockwise. Check that I have the right result, according to the more
usual change of definition. (and tell me if it doesn't work, please).